by Uredništvo | Jan 25, 2022 | Autorski osvrti, Edukacija, Institucije, Istaknuto, Izvan Hrvatske, Pozicije, Stipendije, Svijet, Uredništvo

Osnivač i urednik portala Arheologije, doktor teorijske fizike Berislav Buča (prvi s lijeva u drugom redu
, vidi na LINKU), postdoktorski istraživač na University of Oxford Physics, dobitnik je prestižnog granta danske fondacije VILLUM FONDEN # VELUX FONDEN. Dodijeljen mu je maximalni iznos od 1.1 milijun eura za vlastiti projekt i osnivanje grupe u trajanju od 5 godina.
by PRESS | May 9, 2018 | Pozicije, PRESS
Tema raziskave: Paleoekološke raziskave v Julijskih Alpah
Cilj raziskave je proučiti spremembe holocenske vegetacije in človekov vpliv v različnih arheoloških obdobjih na območju visokogorja Julijskih Alp, da bi bolje razumeli vzroke za spremembe okolja v preteklosti (klimatska nihanja, človekov vpliv na okolje skozi čas). Osnova doktorske disertacije bo palinološka raziskava sedimentov alpskih visokogorskih jezer na območju Triglavskega narodnega parka (TNP) in rekonstrukcija razvoja rastlinstva v zadnjih 12.000 letih. Podrobnejši načrt multidisciplinarne raziskave bo izdelan po pogovoru s kandidatom/kandidatko, glede na oddano dispozicijo, njegove/njene raziskovalne interese in osnovno izobrazbo*. K prijavi na razpis vabim kandidate/kandidatke, ki so zaključili dodiplomsko usposabljanje na enem od sledečih raziskovalnih področij: biologija, geologija, arheologija, geo/kemija ali fizična geografija.
Mladi raziskovalec(ka) bo del dinamične raziskovalne ekipe Inštituta za arheologijo ZRC SAZU ( V času študija bo opravil(a) par dni težjega terenskega dela in nekaj tednov laboratorijskega dela (delo z nevarnimi kemikalijami), največji del raziskave pa bo potekal v pisarni: kandidat(ka) mora biti pripravljen(a) na dolgotrajno sedenje za mikroskopom in identifikacijo pelodnih zrn. Raziskava v TNP je multidisciplinarna in poteka v sodelovanju z geologi oddelka za geologijo NTF Univerze v Ljubljani (prof. A. Šmuc) in francoskimi partnerji (dr. P. Sabatier, EDYTEM, Chambery), ki jih bo mladi raziskovalec/(ka) v času študija tudi obiskal(a).
Mentorica: dr. Maja Andrič, ZRC SAZU, Inštitut za arheologijo, Novi trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana, , tel. (0)1 4706434, GSM: 051 637344,
Od kandidatov/kandidatk pričakujem, da bodo poleg obrazcev in izjav, ki bodo podrobneje opredeljeni v razpisu, oddali še:
Curriculum vitae
*Kratko dispozicijo doktorske disertacije (ca. 1̶ 2 strani, največ 1500 besed)
Besedilo po lastnem izboru (npr. članek ali diplomska naloga kandidata)
Kontaktne podatke (naslov, naslov e-poste in telefonsko številko) dveh raziskovalcev/profesorjev, ki jih lahko poprosim za mnenje o vašem delu; lahko priložite tudi priporočila
Izbrani/a kandidat(ka) bo z delom predvidoma začel(a) 1. oktobra 2018.
by PRESS | Nov 13, 2013 | Edukacija, Pozicije
University of New Brunswick
Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management
Funded Ph.D. position for working on the use of polarimetric SAR images for fuel moisture mapping
We are seeking a highly motivated Ph.D. student who will work on calibrating a physics-based model to map the drought code of the Canadian Fire Weather Index from polarimetric SAR images. The model follows the method of Jagdhuber et al. 2011. (Proc. 5 th Int. Workshop PolInSAR 2011, Frascati, Italy). The Ph.D. thesis will be based on data acquired over Canadian/South African natural grasslands, Alaska boreal forests and Canadian tundras.
The Ph.D. work will be supervised by Prof. Brigitte Leblon, (University of New Brunswick, Canada), Prof. Joseph Buckley (Royal Military College, Canada), Dr. Thomas Jagdhuber (DLR, Germany) and Dr. Laura Bourgeau-Chavez (Michigan Tech Research Institute, USA). Thereby, the hired student will be invited to travel among the various laboratories during his Ph.D. thesis. The study is a part of research project recently funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
Eligible Candidates:
Preference will be given to Canadian, US or European students because the candidate will be invited to do some thesis work at DLR (Germany) and MTRI (USA), but international students are encouraged to apply.
Applicants should have successfully completed an MSc and have a strong background in radar remote sensing, strong interest in computer coding, with interest in fire sciences.
It is critical the applicant has some ability to program computer code to facilitate data analysis, model development and implementation as well as good writing and oral skills. The position is fully funded. The current scholarship rate for Ph.D. students is approximately CDN $25,000/year including benefits.
Interested applicants should send a cover letter, CV, a copy of academic transcripts (including TOEFL score if international student) and the names/contact information for three references by email. Review of applications will begin on Dec 1st 2013 and will continue until the position is filled. The anticipated starting date will be starting January 1st 2014, assuming UNB entrance requirements are met, else May 1st 2014 or as soon as possible.
For more information please contact Prof. Brigitte Leblon (
ROSA, dr. sc. Maja Andrič
by PRESS | Nov 5, 2013 | Edukacija, Izvan Hrvatske, Pozicije
Purpose: To conduct research in the Wiener Laboratory on a defined project or projects that furthers the fields of specialties of the laboratory, utilizes the collections and library of the laboratory, enhances the scientific stature of the laboratory, and contributes to the teaching mission of the American School.
Term: Early September 2014 to June 1, 2016, with the possibility of renewal for third year. It is expected that the applicant will maintain a physical presence at the Wiener Laboratory during the academic year.
Compensation: Stipend of $35,000 for 12 months. Waiver of School fees. Lunches in Loring Hall. Reimbursement of research expenses up to $2,500, with prior approval. One round-trip economy airfare from the U.S. or Europe to Greece annually.
Qualifications: Recent postdoctoral scholars (up to 10 years from degree, 5 years for applicants in tenure track positions) in fields relevant to the research interests of the Wiener Laboratory of the American School, including: physical anthropology, zooarchaeology, geoarchaeology, and environmental sciences.
1. Cover letter naming the applicant, current research interests, and title and brief description of the proposed research project.
2. Statement (up to 1,500 words) of the proposed research project to be completed during the term of the fellowship, including research goals, explicit methodology to be used and relevant bibliography, materials and collections to be studied, timetable and publication schedule, equipment/resources needed while at the Wiener Laboratory, and the reasons the project should occur in Athens at the Wiener Laboratory.
3. Copies of permit(s) from relevant authorities and letters of permission from excavation or project directors to study proposed materials.
4. Description of the candidate’s proposed contributions to the Wiener Laboratory and the academic program (1-2 pages). Candidates who can enrich the teaching mission of the School, by contributing to seminars, fieldtrips or in other ways, are particularly welcome.
5. A brief proposal for a research workshop or small conference that will serve to integrate the interests of the many constituencies of ASCSA and also draw others from outside ASCSA to the School. During the first year of term, the successful candidate will be required to submit a detailed plan for organizing such a workshop or conference; if the proposal is approved the successful candidate will organize the event in a third year and be awarded an extension of the fellowship.
6. Curriculum vitae with list of publications.
7. Three letters of reference from scholars in the field commenting on the value and feasibility of the project, teaching ability and experience, congeniality and collegial attributes.
8. Applicants may be invited to be interviewed by telephone/Skype conference.
9. Submit application for Associate Membership with fellowship form online on the ASCSA web site at
For information contact Dr. Sherry C. Fox at .
Web site: or
Award will be announced by March 15, 2014.
by PRESS | Oct 18, 2013 | Edukacija, Pozicije
Max Planck Weizmann Center for Integrative Archaeology and Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany
The newly established Max Planck Weizmann Center for Integrative Archaeology and Anthropology at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig (Germany) invites applications for post-doctoral positions in the field of physical anthropology, palaeontology or zoology. The research track based in Leipzig will investigate bone and tooth structures with an emphasis on the evolutionary and functional morphology of the masticatory apparatus in primates and other mammals using morphometric, experimental and simulative approaches.
This research track will work in close contact with the Department of Human Evolution of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology and with the Kimmel Center for Archaeological Science of the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.
We would expect the successful candidates to participate in research projects related to one of the following topics:
* Structure-Function studies of hard tissues (bone and teeth)
* Anatomy and histology of masticatory muscles and tooth
supporting structures
* Kinematics and dynamics of the masticatory apparatus
We seek highly qualified and motivated candidates with experience in tomographic imaging, experimental stress/strain analysis, finite element modelling, motion analysis, material testing, microscopy, immunohistochemistry and/or geometric morphometrics.
These positions are set to begin as early as January 2014, and applications will be considered until the positions are filled. The initial length of the appointments will be two years, with an option for extension. The selected candidates should have a Ph.D. (or be close to completion) and a significant track record of research. The Max Planck Society is committed to employing more physically impaired individuals and to increasing the share of women in areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore expressly encourages applications from such qualified individuals.
Applications including cover letter, curriculum vitae, reprints of selected publications, a short statement of research interests and the names of three referees should be sent to Dr Kornelius Kupczik (
by PRESS | Aug 30, 2013 | Edukacija, Izvan Hrvatske, Muzeji, Pozicije
PhD advertisement – Palaeontological position
Faculty of Science, Prehistory and Early History
We invite applications for a three-year
PhD studentship
in the framework of the PaGE project (see below). The contract will start on 01.01.2014 and will run for three years, until the end of the project (31.12.2016). Salary will be according to the German Salary System TV 13, 50%.
Project and objectives
The ERC Starting Grant project “Palaeoanthropology at the Gates of Europe (PaGE): Human Evolution in the Southern Balkans”, directed by Prof. K. Harvati (, is a five year interdisciplinary research program that involves intensive paleoanthropological fieldwork in Greece. The research aims to systematically explore known palaeoanthropological localities, to identify new ones and to increase the number of hominin and Paleolithic findings. The ultimate goal of the project is to potentially identify human population movements into Eurasia; to explore the adaptations and possibly late survival of Neanderthals in the region; and to document population interactions at the cultural and/or biological level.
The PhD candidate will be based in Tübingen University and will analyze the paleontological faunal material recovered from one or more of the PaGE study areas.
Applicant requirements
- MA/MSc degree and equivalent research experience in the fields of Paleontology or Zooarchaeology, preferably with faunal material from Greece.
- Experience with paleontological fieldwork, preferably in Greek sites.
- Applicants are required to have a very good command of spoken and written English; knowledge of German and/or Greek will be an advantage.
The University of Tübingen wishes to enhance the share of employed women in research and teaching. Individuals with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply and having the same occupational aptitude will be preferred. The employment will be handled by the central administration of the University of Tübingen.
Application procedure and deadline
Applications should include:
- cover letter describing research interests, motivation and capabilities
- curriculum vitae
- academic certificates
- a copy of Master thesis
- two letters of reference
Applications should be submitted electronically no later than September 30th, 2013.
PhD advertisement – Archaeological position
Faculty of Science, Prehistory and Early History
We invite applications for a three-year
PhD studentship
in the framework of the PaGE project (see below). The contract will start on 01.01.2014 and will run for three years, until the end of the project (31.12.2016). Salary will be according to the German Salary System TV 13, 50%.
Project and objectives
The ERC Starting Grant project “Palaeoanthropology at the Gates of Europe (PaGE): Human Evolution in the Southern Balkans”, directed by Prof. K. Harvati (, is a five year interdisciplinary research program that involves intensive paleoanthropological fieldwork in Greece. The research aims to systematically explore known palaeoanthropological localities, to identify new ones and to increase the number of hominin and Paleolithic findings. The ultimate goal of the project is to potentially identify human population movements into Eurasia; to explore the adaptations and possibly late survival of Neanderthals in the region; and to document population interactions at the cultural and/or biological level.
The PhD candidate will be based in Tübingen University and will employ a computer-based approach, preferably with use of Geographical Information Systems, to analyze the archaeological, geological and geographical data from one or more of the study areas of the PaGE project. As a member of the PaGE team, the candidate will participate in the survey and excavation campaigns and undertake various tasks related to fieldwork. Moreover, the candidate will assist in post-fieldwork, laboratory analyses, data management and publications.
Applicant requirements
- MA/MSc degree and/or equivalent research experience in the fields of Prehistoric Archaeology, Palaeolithic Archaeology, Palaeoanthropology, Geoarchaeology or Archaeological Computing. Applicants with an academic background in Earth Sciences, particularly in Quaternary Geology or Physical Geography, will also be considered, provided that they are experienced in GIS software and familiar with (Palaeolithic) archaeology.
- Experience with geospatial technologies; GIS-based models; agent-based models; spatial analysis; site location modeling; predictive modeling.
- Experience with Paleolithic fieldwork.
- Applicants are required to have a very good command of spoken and written English; knowledge of German and/or Greek will be an advantage.
The University of Tübingen wishes to enhance the share of employed women in research and teaching. Individuals with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply and having the same occupational aptitude will be preferred. The employment will be handled by the central administration of the University of Tübingen.
Application procedure and deadline
Applications should include:
- Cover letter describing research interests, motivation and capabilities
- Curriculum Vitae
- Academic certificates
- Copy of Master thesis
- Two letters of reference
Applications should be submitted electronically no later than September 30th, 2013.
Please send applications to the following email address:
Prof. Dr. Katerina Harvati
Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters
Rümelinstr. 23
72070 Tübingen
Emailom dr. sc. Maja Andrič